From the artist himself:
Before I was married, I spent Christmas week of 2001 with my parents at their home in Northern Kentucky. I brought a computer with Tabledit, and a thick folder filled with most of the hand-written originals of my workshop handouts since 1996. My parents gave me the idea of entering all the tabs into the computer and making a book.
I spent 6 to 10 hours a day for 5 days entering the music. I went back to school and totally forgot about the project.Finally, just after Christmas of 2004, I came across these tabs in the far reaches of my computer. I spent about a week editing and working on layout. I also spent a couple days recording each of the 73 audio tracks.
The Early Years - Stephen Seifert (1996-2002), includes 73 of my favorite tunes and arrangements. (100 pages) The tunes are labeled Beginner, Intermediate, and Intermediate/Advanced. I've added an introduction that covers techniques for playing and interpreting the tunes. The 73 MP3 audio files cover the tunes exactly like they're written in the book and at a slow tempo.
101 pages.

With your purchase, we'll email you a link so that you may download the PDF version of your new book. The PDF file is in ZIP format - you'll need to unzip the file after your download is complete.
After you've extracted the files from your ZIP folder, you can print the sheet music, or enjoy it on your tablet or PC.
Your ZIP file will include:
The complete book, in PDF format (101 pages)
A folder with each song in a separate PDF, so that you can sort the titles alphabetically (73 files)
- A folder with each song demo track, in MP3 format, so that you can hear how each song/example is supposed to be played (77 tracks)

This book is published by Stephen Seifert, and is made available here as an authorized, licensed download.
Songs included:
Are You Gettin' There Rabbit - DAD Tuning
Arkansas Traveler (High D) - DAD Tuning
Arkansas Traveler (Low) - DAD Tuning
Arkansas Traveler (Low G) - DGD Tuning
Barlow Knife (High) - DGD Tuning
Barlow Knife (Low) - DGD Tuning
Beach Spring - DAD Tuning
Beautiful Dreamer - DGD Tuning
Black Eyed Suzie (High) - DAD Tuning
Black Eyed Suzie (Low) - DAD Tuning
Bonaparte's Retreat - DAD Tuning
Bonaparte Crossing The Rhine - DAD Tuning
Branle Du Verlage - DAD Tuning
Chinese Breakdown (High) - DAD Tuning
Chinese Breakdown (Low) - DAD Tuning
Cluck Old Hen - DGD Tuning - Capo 1
Come All Ye Fair And Tender Ladies - DAD Tuning - Capo 3
Cripple Creek (High) - DGD Tuning
Cripple Creek (Low) - DGD Tuning
Cuttin' At The Point - DAD Tuning
Dennis Murphy's Polka (Low) - DAD Tuning
Dona Nobis Pacem (Palestrina) - DAD Tuning
Elk River Blues - DAD Tuning - Capo 3
Exercise #4227 - DAD Tuning
Fly Around My Pretty Little Miss - DAD Tuning
Foggy Dew - DAC Tuning
For The Beauty Of The Earth - DAD Tuning
Fortune (High) - DAD Tuning
Fortune (Low) - DAD Tuning
God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen - DAD Tuning - Capo 1
Great Is Thy Faithfulness - DAD Tuning
Grey Cat On A Tennessee Farm - DAD Tuning
Ground Hog - DAD Tuning
Happy Land - DAD Tuning
Hosses In The Canebrake - DAD Tuning
How Great Thou Art - DAD Tuning
Ida Red (Low) - DAD Tuning
Ida Red (Low G) - DGD Tuning
John Brown's Dream - DAD Tuning
Lonesome John - DGD Tuning - Capo 1
Lord Thomas - DGD Tuning
My Pretty Quadrille (West Virginia Dulcimer Player Walter Miller) - DAD Tuning
Napper (High) - DAD Tuning
Napper (Low) - DAD Tuning
No Place Like Home - DAD Tuning
Oh, How I Love Jesus - DAD Tuning
Oh, My Little Dutch Girl - DAD Tuning
Old Jack Gillie (High) - DAD Tuning
Old Joe Clark - DAD Tuning
Rock The Cradle Joe - DGD Tuning
Rosin The Beau (High) - DAD Tuning
Rosin The Beau (Low) - DAD Tuning
Run Johnny, Run (High D) - DAD Tuning
Sail Away Ladies - DGD Tuning
Scotland The Brave (High) - DAD Tuning
Scotland The Brave (Low) - DAD Tuning
Shenandoah - DAD Tuning
Shootin' Creek - DAD Tuning
Sourwood Mountain (High) - DGD Tuning
Sourwood Mountain (In G) - DAD Tuning
Sourwood Mountain (Low) - DAD Tuning
Sweet Hour Of Prayer - DAD Tuning
Ten Yards Of Calico - DAD Tuning - Capo 3
The Cuckoo - DAD Tuning - Capo 1
The Girl I Left Behind Me - DGD Tuning
Walk Along John - DAD Tuning - Capo 3
Waterbound - DAD Tuning
West Fork Gals (High) - DAD Tuning
West Fork Gals (Low) - DAD Tuning
Westfalia Waltz - DAD Tuning
Whiskey 110 Proof - DAD Tuning
Whiskey Before Breakfast (High) - DAD Tuning
Wonderful Words Of Life - DAD Tuning - Capo 3