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Dana Gruber - Grace

Regular price $14.00

Introducing Dana Gruber's "Grace" - a collection of hymns and reflective songs arranged and tabbed for mountain dulcimer, with accompanying guitar chords. Bring a peaceful and contemplative atmosphere to your music with this versatile and beautifully arranged collection from Dana Gruber.

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After you've extracted the files from your ZIP folder, you can print the sheet music, or enjoy it on your tablet or PC.

Your ZIP file will include:

  • The complete book, in PDF format (55 pages)
  • A folder with each song in a separate PDF, so that you can sort the titles alphabetically (27 files)

This book is published by Fingers Of Steel, and is made available here as an authorized, licensed download.

Songs included:

Amazing Grace (3 Variations)
Be Thou My Vision - 18th Century Irish Hymn
Come Thou Fount Of Every Blessing
How Can I Keep From Singing (Melody Part) - Robert Lowry
How Can I Keep From Singing (Accompaniment Part) - Robert Lowry
Joshua Fit The Battle Of Jericho
(Capo 1)
Just A Closer Walk With Thee (Melody Part)
Just A Closer Walk With Thee (Bass Part)
Just A Closer Walk With Thee
(Chord Part)
Largo (Melody Part)
- Antonin Dvorak
Largo (Harmony Part) - Antonin Dvorak
Morning Has Broken

O Sacred Head, Now Wounded - Hans Leo Hassler
On Eagle's Wings (Based On Psalm 91)
On This Day, O Beautiful Mother
Simple Gifts (Melody Part)
Simple Gifts (Harmony Part)
Simple Gifts (Fingerpick-Style Melody)
Sweet Hour Of Prayer (Melody Part)
Sweet Hour Of Prayer (Harmony Part)
Take Your Shoes Off Moses

The Old Country Church - J.W. Vaughan
There Is A Fountain - 1700's English Hymn
What Wondrous Love - Shape Note Hymn
Wings Of A Dove

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Cecil Adcock

Cecil, I bought this because of the harmonies on some of the songs I had never seen or heard. Was not disappointed.

Freda Moore

Dana Gruber - Grace