Have you ever heard two of the "great" dulcimer players, performing on stage together? Ever notice that one of them generally plays a melody, while the other one plays "backup" parts?
They'll trade off, back and forth, melody and backup. It sounds a LOT better than having both of them playing melody all the time.
With this book, you'll learn (from legendary performer Aaron O'Rourke) how to play "backup". Chops, riffs, bass lines, following the lead player. He makes it sound easy.
You'll be able to use the same techniques when playing with a regular jam, too - nobody should be playing the melody 100 percent of the time, and with this book, you'll have the skills to play a GREAT backup part.

With your purchase, we'll email you a link so that you may download the PDF version of your new book. The PDF file is in ZIP format - you'll need to unzip the file after your download is complete.
After you've extracted the files from your ZIP folder, you can print the sheet music, or enjoy it on your tablet or PC.
Your ZIP file will include:
The complete book, in PDF format (50 pages)
A folder with each song’s demo track, in MP3 format, so that you can hear how each song/example is supposed to be played (13 tracks)

This book is published by Fingers Of Steel, and is made available here as an authorized, licensed download.